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DNS Records

This is a high-level overview of the different types of supported DNS records.

Additionally, DNSimple has excellent documentation on DNS records & more:


  • A: The most basic record. Points your domain at an IPv4 address.
  • AAAA: The A record’s sibling: it points at an IPv6 address. Adding one is strongly encouraged if your hosting provider supports IPv6. (And if they don’t, ask them to!)
  • CNAME: Short for “canonical name”, it tells whatever’s looking up your domain “look at this domain instead”. You’ll frequently see hosting providers tell you to use it.
  • ALIAS (Unique to our current nameserver provider): Similar to a CNAME, but it’s never sent to your client. The nameservers resolve it in the backend and return an A and/or AAAA record.
  • MX: Short for “mail exchange”, it tells servers sending you email where your email servers are.
  • URL (Unique to our current nameserver provider): Sends an HTTP redirect to the URL you specify. Behind the scenes, it publishes A records pointing to a redirector server.
  • TXT: Contains human-readable data about your domain. Typically, you’ll see this used when other services want to verify you control a domain, or for implementing email authentication standards such as DMARC and SPF.


  • SRV: Defines the location of a server of a given protocol, like a more general MX record. Usage depends on the protocol in question.
  • SSHFP: Contains the SSH key fingerprint for the server on the corresponding domain.


  • CAA: Specifies who can issue TLS (i.e. HTTPS) certificates for the domain.
  • PTR: Pointer to a common name. Unlike a CNAME record, resolvers don’t continue to search when they see a PTR record.
  • NS: Delegates a domain to a different nameserver.
  • SPF: Deprecated form of storing data for the SPF email security standard.
  • HINFO: Structured form of showing data about the server behind a site.
  • NAPTR: Maps from a resource name to a unique identifier. Often used as part of the SIP telephony protocol.