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This guide will demonstrate how to connect your domain to Vercel hosting.

We assume you already have configured a site on Vercel, and that your domain request has been granted.

Vercel configuration

  1. Navigate to the Domains section of your project’s settings panel. Your screen should look like this:

Vercel domains settings

  1. Enter your domain into the input field

  2. Once entered, you should see your domain pop up, and the records that you must add to your domain

Vercel domains settings with domain showing that a CNAME pointing to

Domain configuration

  1. Click on your domain from the admin homepage

  2. From the DNS panel, remove all existing A, CNAME, ALIAS, URL or any other web record at the root (@) of your domain. This includes the default URL record to

  3. Add the records from the Vercel settings, being sure to place all records at the root of your domain (i.e. removing your subdomain from the name of the record). Using the records from above, your screen should look like so: domain DNS panel showing a CNAME record on the root pointing to

  1. You’re done! - your site should now be viewable from your domain.

To check that you completed the connection properly, go to your Vercel domain settings and check that your domain has a “Valid Configuration” (you may need to hit Refresh)

Vercel domain dashboard showing "Valid configuration" for